8 ways you can promote women’s equality

womens equality

As we mark Women’s Equality Day, on August 26th, celebrating the generations of women that fought for equal pay, protection against sexual harassment and professional opportunities, it is imperative to note that over the years gender equality has progressed for the better.   However, according to the Global Gender Gap report 2020, Kenya ranks 109 out of 153 countries, indicating significant inequalities between males and females in health outcomes, education, and professional settings. There are still several ways that we can help attain full equality, for a more sustainable, efficient future where women have equal rights at work, home, or any organisation.

At Uncover, women empowerment and self-care are at the core of our mission, we are a female-owned business with 85% of our staff being female, and building a community of women empowering each other! As we strive to attain these goals, we aim to support and drive gender equality in our community.

Here are some tips we recommend and we follow for promoting gender equality whether you are a male or female : 

  1. Hire diversity

To improve gender diversity hires, screen CVs without names and photos to remove any bias. This increases the chances and probability of women hires. 

  1. Vote for women

Empower women to gain leadership positions by voting and supporting them. Conduct some research on which women are running for leadership positions in your counties/companies and vote for them.

  1. Support gender equality groups/ programs 

If you are already incorporating the tips above and are truly passionate about women empowerment and gender equality, join groups that work together to raise more awareness and support women that experience any injustice or equality. 

  1. Be aware of domestic or sexual violence around you

A UN report indicated that less than 40 percent of women who experience violence seek help of any kind. If you experience verbal attacks, physical abuse, or psychological abuse of any kind, or if you see someone else go through this, report it immediately to gender based violence helplines in Kenya, here.

  1. Pay equally or demand equal pay

There is no scientific evidence that alludes towards women not working as hard as their male counterparts at work. There is no good reason to pay women less for the equal amount of work. Pay equally, reduce gender pay gaps and demand equal pay, it is your right.   

  1. Condition your mind to break stereotypes 

Every so often, we hear phrases that our minds are conditioned to, for instance “women belong in the kitchen”, “Don’t cry like a girl”. Breaking this stereotype requires presence and reflection, if you hear these phrases often, intervene and explain why it goes against gender equality. This will help you spread the education and importance of gender equality and help break gender stereotypes in society so that future generations are not exposed to gender bias. 

  1. As a male, advocate for women leaders and colleagues in your work environment 

Have your part in amplifying women’s rights and empowerment, seek opportunities to hear about women’s stories and experiences and educate your fellow male colleagues/ friends about the importance of gender equality. As a man, your voice can make an impact on women’s equality. 

  1. Share household chores

At home, it is important to divide chores equally. Caring for children is predominantly still done by women globally. Overload of work including household chores can lead to mental illnesses, stress, and overall productivity. 

We hope you found these tips helpful and applicable… Let’s promote equality together. Happy Women’s Equality Day! 

Do you have any tips on promoting gender equality? Let us know in the comments below.

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