Ingredient Spotlight African Baobab

What is African baobab?

African baobab is the fruit extract from the baobab tree – native to Africa. They live up to about 450 years and are extremely resourceful. Its over 300 uses have inspired numerous nicknames, the most common one being the ‘tree of life.’ The bark and fruit have been used in numerous remedies and traditions in Africa for years. Now the beauty industry, too, is a beneficiary and we’re DEFINITELY not complaining!

4 benefits of African baobab to the skin

  1. It’s packed with antioxidants

African baobab contains a very high amount of antioxidants which protects our body’s cells from damage. Antioxidants are also the skin’s vitamins which essentially repair damage on the skin from the environment and UV rays.

African baobab is particularly rich in vitamin e which absorbs energy from UV rays thereby protecting the skin from damage. This is not an alternative to sunscreen in which case we recommend that you always wear some if used during the day. Do check out our 5 interesting factors to consider when buying sunscreen here.

  1. Increases collagen production and improves dry skin

African baobab is also rich in vitamin c which promotes the production of collagen for healthy skin. This is topped with fatty acids, also found in African baobab, lock in moisture in the driest of skin and give it a fresh look.

  1. Lightens dark spots

Vitamin c contained in African baobab is responsible for lightening dark spots which give the skin a healthy look and state. You can use our “I Am Brilliant” vitamin c brightening sheet mask to reduce hyperpigmentation (dark spots). Find more on hyperpigmentation here.

  1. Balance skin oil production

African baobab also typically nourishes the surface of the skin and offers a waterproof skin barrier function to even it out. It also contains the omega 6 acid which also contains the oil that keeps the oil levels of the skin in check. We all know just how vital that is! Also, click here to understand the skin barrier and its functionality better.

Here are 3 tips to consider when adding African Baobab to your skincare routine

  1. Be aware of the different names African baobab goes by in skincare products

African baobab may not always be listed as African Baobab oil which could make it tricky to find when buying skincare products. Alternate names to look out for include baobab seed oil, Adansonia oil, or Adansonia digitata oil.

  1. Do a patch test or work your way up

Either place the product on a small patch on the skin to monitor its response or use African baobab in small concentrations and act accordingly. If your skin responds well this is your cue to continue using African baobab oil. If you experience any side effects, don’t hesitate to book a one-on-one consultation with our in-house skincare therapist, Joyce Waiharo, here.

  1. Pair with specific ingredients to reap maximum benefits

African baobab works really well with vitamin c and arbutin. Vitamin c reduces hyperpigmentation, hydrates, and brightens the skin while arbutin works hard to brighten any discoloration on the skin. Check out our baobab glow-c serum containing the three ingredients above here.

Are you a new African baobab fan? Let us know in the comments 🙂

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